
              英文翻譯 學會很多茶的歷史和文化

              來源:www.twpcom.com???時間:2022-03-20 09:04???點擊:279??編輯:沈言???手機版

              Through learning tea ceremony, I also learned a lot of history and culture about tea ,thus enriching my knowledge.



              茶具 tea set

              茶杯 tea cup

              茶盤 tea tray

              茶碟 tea saucer

              茶壺 tea pot 茶缸 tea container

              紫砂茶壺 ceramic tea pot

              茶葉罐 tea caddy

              茶杯墊 coaster 茶壺套 tea cosy

              濾茶器 tea strainer

              茶匙 teaspoon

              新茶 fresh tea

              磚茶 brick tea

              毛茶 crudely tea

              散茶 loose tea

              碎茶 broken tea

              香片 perfumed tea

              茶片 tea siftings

              花茶 scented(jasmine) tea

              茶葉梗 tea stale, tea stem

              沏新茶 making fresh tea

              上茶offering tea, tea serving

              淡茶weak tea

              濃茶 strong tea

              抿茶 sipping tea

              茶園 tea garden

              茶館tea house

              茶幾 tea table

              茶籃 tea basket

              濾茶球 tea ball

              減肥茶 diet(slimming)tea

              保健茶 tonic tea

              涼茶精 herb ingredients

              美容茶 cosmetic tea

              人參茶ginseng tea

              姜茶 ginger tea

              速溶茶instant tea

              茶葉蛋 salty eggs cooked in tea

              擂茶 mashed tea

              蓋碗茶 tea served in a set of cups

              茶葉表演 tea-serving performance

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