
              中國茶文化 英語

              來源:www.twpcom.com???時間:2021-12-16 17:07???點(diǎn)擊:114??編輯:韓國???手機(jī)版

              Tea may be consumed early in the day to heighten alertness; it contains theophylline and bound caffeine[5] (sometimes called theine). Decaffeinated brands are also sold. While tea is the second most consumed beverage on Earth after water, in many cultures it is also consumed at elevated social events, such as afternoon tea and the tea party. Tea ceremonies have arisen in different cultures, such as the Chinese and Japanese tea ceremonies, each of which employs traditional techniques and ritualized protocol of brewing and serving tea for enjoyment in a refined setting. One form of Chinese tea ceremony is the Gongfu tea ceremony, which typically uses small Yixing clay teapots and oolong tea.

              chinese tea culcure祝你學(xué)習(xí)進(jìn)步。

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