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              1. 英語介紹茶葉公司怎么介紹

              Xinyang Maojian,also known as Yu MAO Feng. Pro duced in the Dabie Mountain area in Henan Xinyang City of Xinyang County(now Pingqiao),because of the cable tight straight Feng Jian,hair show,pro duced in Xinyang,Henan,the name Xinyang Maojia n. 

              Xinyang Maojian high-quality,small-Xiu Yun strai ght appearance,in Miao-feng,the color green,Baih ao around.Endoplasmic

              Tangsenenlv,bright,fresh aroma GAOShuang,Yedinenlvbright,refine,absor bed Qi.Start with a premium for the early leaf buds show.

              2. 介紹茶葉英文

              A pot of warm tea, a warm family

              3. 英語介紹中國茶

              It is 4,000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea.

              There’re many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world. Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china.

              Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories. It has been discovered that drinking tea does a lot of good to people’s health.

              A cup oftea can make you relaxed and refreshed. And it’s said that green tea can prevent cancers. That’s why tea is becoming more and more popular with people.

              4. 茶葉有限公司英文

              答案如下tea [ti:] n.茶;茶樹;茶水;午后小吃vt.給…沏茶vi.喝茶

              5. 英語介紹茶葉公司怎么介紹好

              Chinese tea drinking tea has four thousand years of history,More kinds of tea in China, including longjing tea is famous in the world。The people are generally made of porcelain teapot, teacup to drink tea,Seem to have tea has is China's a habit, and tea is commonplace, people often in the teahouse, restaurants, at home or work break time drinking tea.

              6. 茶葉公司的英文名

              英文中的紅茶的正確單詞應(yīng)是''Black tea''。   

              1689年,英國更在中國的福建省廈門市設(shè)置基地,大量收購中國茶葉。英國喝紅茶比喝綠茶多,且又發(fā)展出其獨(dú)特的紅茶文化,均與上述歷史事件有關(guān)。因為在廈門所收購的茶葉都是屬于紅茶類的半發(fā)酵茶——''武夷茶'',大量的武夷茶流入英國,取代了原有的綠茶市場,且很快成為西歐茶的主流。武夷茶色黑,故被稱為''Black tea''(直譯為黑茶)。


              后來茶學(xué)家根據(jù)茶的制作方法和茶的特點(diǎn)對其進(jìn)行分類,武夷茶沖泡后紅湯紅葉,按其性質(zhì)屬于''紅茶類''。但英國人的慣用稱呼''Black tea''卻一直沿襲下來,用以指代''紅茶''。

              但如果大家因此以為天下的''紅茶''就是英文里的''Black Tea'',那就又可能會鬧笑話了。因為世界上確實有一種茶的英文名字叫''Red Tea'',中文直譯就是''紅茶''。且讓我們來看看什么是''Red Tea''吧.

                ''Red Tea''指的是''Rooibos''茶,來自于一種生長在南非、完全不同于茶樹的野生植物,因此不是真正的茶葉。''Rooibos''(讀作''Roy Boss'')是南非俚語,其荷蘭語本義為''紅色灌木叢''。國內(nèi)對這種茶葉的介紹不多,一般把''Rooibos''茶按發(fā)音直接翻譯為''如意波斯茶''、''路依保斯茶''、或者簡稱為''博士茶''。


                因此,中國人說的''紅茶'',在英文里就是''Black Tea'',即''黑茶''。而英文里的''Red Tea(紅茶)'',實際上是''Rooibos茶'',雖然可以被說成是''紅茶'',但絕非真正的茶葉!

              7. 茶葉公司英文簡介


              8. 關(guān)于茶葉的介紹英語

              Chinese tea has a history of over 5,000 years, during which a series of unique tea culture have come into being, covering from tea plant cultivation and conservation, tea-leaf picking to processing and sampling tea. Tea-leaves are mainly produced in the southern area to the Yangtze River for mild climate and fertile ground there, such as the provinces of Zhejiang, Yunnan, Guizhou and Fujian. There produce an abundance of renowned tea varieties, e.g. Longjin, Wulong, Pu’er, Tieguangyin.

              Tea culture is one of the common traits shared by all the 56 ethnic groups in China. Many Chinese people believe that a day is not perfect without a cup of tea. Either in the warm southern mountain area or on the frozen northern grassland, stuff like Gongfu tea, buttered tea and milk tea are all among the favorite drinks. Furthermore, both ancient and modern Chinese people tend to indulge in elaborating on poems, essays, dances and dramas on the tea.

              9. 英語介紹茶葉公司怎么介紹的

              英式紅茶主要的分為純粹的紅茶葉和添加了其他香料的紅茶葉兩種,常見的english breakfirst,darjeeling,prince of wales都算純粹的紅茶,其中english breakfirst味道最濃,因為他是多種各地紅茶葉的混合茶葉,prince of wales味道最淡,多是中國紅茶葉的混合(btw,普遍他們認(rèn)為中國綠茶的品質(zhì)好過紅茶),大吉嶺是產(chǎn)自阿三國的茶葉味道適中;常見的伯爵茶是添加了香料的紅茶,常見的有eral grey和lady grey,伯爵茶是只添加了一般3%左右的佛手柑香料(以前可真的是新鮮佛手柑提取的,現(xiàn)在大概太麻煩了),仕女伯爵茶就更偏女性,加的香料種類更多,檸檬,柑橘為主,味道更柔,有點(diǎn)往花果茶走了。不過紅茶是調(diào)配茶,你可以根據(jù)自己的喜好加?xùn)|西,我最近就調(diào)了一款荔枝紅茶,選用味道最淡的威爾士王子茶,加三顆荔枝搗碎的汁,然后再加扔一顆荔枝進(jìn)去,試試看。

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