
              寫一篇以《A Meaningful Activity》英文的文章

              來源:www.twpcom.com???時間:2021-12-14 12:20???點擊:63??編輯:東方兒???手機版

                In order to improve the quality of the students, our school has now started an activity calledBuild Civilised Classes and a Harmonious Campus.The topic is to get rid of bad habits and meet civilization.
                Bad habits do exist. Some students throw rabbish and plastic bags everywhere or spit in public. Some boy students wear long hair. Others are even addicted to smoking and drinking. We require that students break away from these bad habits .We urge the students to wear their school uniforms and be polite to others.
                During the activity, we'll have picture shows, competitions of classrooms and dormitories decoration.

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