
              茶理理 的 誒啊嗦 求羅馬音和日文歌詞。謝謝!

              來源:www.twpcom.com???時間:2021-12-02 08:31???點(diǎn)擊:121??編輯:元保???手機(jī)版

              I have a story to tell我有個故事要訴說Do you hear me tonight你今晚能聽聽嗎It's things about me是關(guān)於我的事情I'll be waiting in bedroom我會在睡房等待著But anyway you can't come但無論如何你還是來不了I get it, never mind我懂的,沒所謂Now, it is starting to rain現(xiàn)在開始下雨了I fell you drop tears我感到你的淚滴下來And my heart become heavy而我的心變得沉重What's this world coming to?這世界發(fā)生了甚麼事?There's nothing that can be done已經(jīng)無法挽回了I couldn't careless我已毫不在乎It's wonderful for me that the world is moving now世界正在移動使我感到驚奇Some lights turn around and around幾道光芒轉(zhuǎn)了又轉(zhuǎn)I lost my head again我又再次喪失理智And just want to throw everything away只想把一切都扔掉It's not that easy這一點(diǎn)也不簡單Maybe I'm afraid I'm not as tender guy as you think或許我恐怕我并不是你想像中的溫柔男子Looking your eyes, and I say love you with fake smile凝視你的雙眼,以虛偽的微笑說「愛你」I don't know what to do我不知道到底要怎麼辦Please tell me what should I do請告訴我該如何吧Just feel so sad inside, but I kiss you內(nèi)心是如此悲傷,卻親吻了你Kiss you...吻你...I have a story to tell我有個故事要訴說Do you hear me tonight你今晚能聽聽嗎It's things about me是關(guān)於我的事情I'll be waiting in bedroom我會在睡房等待著But anyway you can't come但無論如何你還是來不了I get it, never mind我懂的,沒所謂I can't get my mind off you我無法把你從我腦海中抹去I'm such an idiot我是何等的愚蠢至極Same as usual一如以往You made me feel so better你讓我感到好多了It brings back memories勾起了我的回憶It's things about you是有關(guān)你的事情My hands can't take back that the time I passed with you我的雙手無力取回與你共度的光陰Some doubts broke me down, broke me down一些疑慮把我擊垮了,把我擊垮了If you are still alive, I wanted to say it's not your fault假使你依然活著,我想說那并不是你的錯But it's too late for us但對於我倆已經(jīng)太晚了Maybe I'm afraid I'm not as tender guy as you think或許我恐怕我并不是你想像中的溫柔男子Looking your eyes, and I say love you with fake smile凝視你的雙眼,以虛偽的微笑說「愛你」I don't know what to do我不知道到底要怎麼辦Please tell me what should I do請告訴我要做甚麼吧Just feel so sad inside, but I kiss you內(nèi)心是如此悲傷,卻親吻了你Kiss you...吻你...気付(きづ)いた時(とき)には終(お)わりを告(つ)げki zu i ta to ki ni wa o wa ri wo tsu ge當(dāng)我意識到的時候已經(jīng)宣告結(jié)束全(すべ)てが仆(ぼく)を笑(わら)うんだろう?su be te ga bo ku wo wa ra u n da ro u所有的一切都在嘲笑我吧?風(fēng)(かぜ)が冷(つめ)たいこんな日(ひ)はka ze ga tsu me ta i ko n na hi wa每逢這般寒冷的刮風(fēng)日子君(きみ)を思(おも)い出(だ)すよki mi wo o mo i da su yo我都會想起你Maybe I'm afraid I'm not as tender guy as you think恐怕我并不如你所想的那樣溫柔I close my eyes, and I say love you with true smile我閉上了眼睛 帶著真誠的笑容說出“我愛你”I don't know what to do我不知道該怎么辦Please tell me what should I do請你告訴我應(yīng)該怎么辦吧Just feel so sad inside,but say good-bye我只是從心底里感到悲傷 可我還是說出了“再見”Good-bye...再見…

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